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Blog multimédia 100% facile et gratuit



1 monyh in e real big country, very far from France!My adventures, my meeting, my jobs (maybe!!)

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Saturday night!!

like chikens...

I met Nadine (From Germany) in the Crown (= casino), with 2 of her friends : Nicole from New-Zeland, Christina from Germany, funny and friendly night, The vietnamiese food is so good ^-^!!


It's done~!!*

still the beautifull beach...^-^
still the beautifull beach...^-^ 

Such a good day with the vet, even if  I said I didn't want to be a vet...Very good experience for my english and that's good as well for all I've learnt this year!


thurday the 26th...Maybe work experience with a vet ???


I went to the animal hospital, and they said I can come tomorow to try...Good news!!!

I booked my flight to go to sydney : thursday 2 to monday 6 !!!

 Last Tuesday Erwan has comen here to have the dinner with us, real good dinner maid by Jenny, traditional Australian meal!!Before we went to Brighhton Beach with its famous boxes.


Wenesday the 25th



Same day : tuesday 24th


I went to the skate park to meet young people, and they were really funny! But I never saw before skaters with slim pants and jumpers with flowers...Not so beautiful...

Here it is Terry in action!!

Then I was watching yhe sunset from the side of the yarra river and I met Nadine, a German girl, we played cards and we'll meet Friday night, maybe to go in a nightclub!!


Minibluff the card game
